Be a Part of the Change

How you can help…


Step 1: Understand the Problem

1 in 3 women & 1 in 4 men…
…in Utah will experience physical or sexual dating violence.

42% of homicides in Utah are tied to domestic violenceUtah is 9th in the nation for rape, and costs each resident $1,700 annually26% of women and 15% of men experience intimate dating partner violence before age 1881% of parents polled claim that dating violence is not an issue.

Step 2: Get to Know PeakU

PeakU is a community of people committed to reducing domestic violence in the state of Utah by engaging directly with our young people.

Our Curriculum

PeakU’s proprietary curriculum was developed by certified therapists and educators who have devoted their careers to improving the lives of young people from diverse backgrounds. The targeted four-session PeakU curriculum currently being implemented in Utah High Schools both teaches and models behaviors that will change young people’s sense of who they are and how they set boundaries in family and romantic relationships.

Step 3: Support Our Mission

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